Win the customers you need with more compelling proposals

By learning how to COACH your customers

Join Our Sales Training and LIVE! Practice Community

STOP talking about what you're selling!

  • Most salespeople believe it's their job to talk about what they're selling.

  • They try to PERSUADE customers to buy from them.

  • There's a better way to sell!

It's time for a Sales Reset

Improve your sales results as you learn how to:

  • COACH your customers to define the outcomes and success they need from using your products and services.

  • CO-CREATE sales proposals to deliver these outcomes by collaborating with other stakeholders.

  • CONCLUDE every conversation with agreed next actions.

A New Way to Sell

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  • We've spent 40 years training and coaching B2B salespeople and sales team leaders.

  • We've learned from experience that most salespeople do NOT prioritise their customers' success using their products and services.

  • Instead, the TOP priority of most salespeople is to achieve their sales target.

  • Most conventional sales training focuses on how to PERSUADE customers to buy. ❌

  • Sales Reset introduces a new way of selling based on COACHING customers to define the success they seek. ✅

  • We've developed and tested a new model of selling competencies.

  • And we've created new ways to learn and practice in our Sales Reset Together online community.

You'll need a new way to learn

our new way to sell

Why will you need a new way to learn and practice?

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  • Coaching customers requires MUCH better communication and commercial skills than conventional ways of selling.

  • There's LOTS to learn!

  • The only way to improve your ability to coach customers is through extensive role-play practice.

  • But how will you practice coaching customers by yourself?

  • The best way to learn is in LIVE! Practice online workshops with a range of interesting people, working in small groups, who are keen to help each other.

  • The good news is that's precisely who you'll meet in our Sales Reset Together community!

Join Our Sales Reset Community

Choose your level of involvement

Level 1: FREE Resources

Self Assessment

Take our FREE self-assessment to learn how much improvement you can expect.

Weekly Sales Training

Subscribe to our FREE weekly sales training newsletter.

Sales Leaders Newsletter

Subscribe to our FREE newsletter for sales team leaders.

Video and Audio Podcasts

Podcasts of the preparation for our newsletters.

Weekly Sales Reset LIVE!

Join our weekly live-stream workshops on social media.

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Level 2: Join Our LIVE! Practice Community

No membership fees

Your only investment is time

Join our Sales Reset Together community:

  • Improve your Sales Reset skills and results faster.

  • Continuing sales training, LIVE! Practice, feedback and support.

  • Sales Reset Together is our private online community where you'll get individual support and encouragement.

  • Members receive expert feedback on their sales proposals with specific recommendations about what to improve.

  • Click here to learn more about Sales Reset Together.

Level 3: Coaching Programmes

Improve your sales team's results swiftly, safely and reliably:

  • Sales Reset Accelerator is a bespoke, structured programme that introduces all the key elements of Sales Reset to your unique situation and priorities.

  • The programme enables you and your sales team to achieve a fundamental Sales Reset.

  • Our aim is to improve your sales results swiftly, safely and reliably.

  • Your team will achieve this outcome by placing measurable customer success at the heart of every selling conversation.

  • The programme combines a series of workshops, training sessions and coaching.

  • An intensive coaching programme with your sales team leader is at the heart of the programme.