Self-Assessment Benchmarking

How do you compare to the best in the world?

Develop a plan for sustained improvement in your selling skills and sales results

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FREE self-assessment to evaluate your Customer Success Selling skills

  • Our FREE assessment is for any B2B salesperson who prepares proposals as part of their sales process.

  • You'll need about 15-20 minutes to complete your assessment.

  • You'll be asked questions about each part of our Sales Reset Mastery Wheel.

  • You'll choose from multiple-choice answers to rate your skill level.

  • At the end of the assessment, you'll receive your PDF report by email.

  • We recommend that you complete the assessment every 90 days to track your progress.

  • Subsequent reports will show your progress from your first assessment results.

Your PDF report will look like this:

Find out how much you can improve your B2B sales results

  • Benchmark yourself against our Sales Reset model of customer success selling best practices.

  • How do YOU compare with the best salespeople in the world?

  • Find out by taking your FREE assessment.

  • Your report will clarify your strengths and help you identify areas for improvement in your sales skills and results.