How much can you improve your B2B sales results
today?,this week?,this month?, this quarter?, this year?

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The best salespeople in the world achieve their results by prioritising their customers' success.

  • Most salespeople do NOT prioritise the outcomes their customers need to achieve.

  • The top priority of most salespeople is to focus on achieving their sales targets.

  • How do YOU compare with the best salespeople in the world?

  • Find out by taking our FREE assessment to clarify your personal strengths and opportunities for improvement.


Then, you'll know what to learn and practice to improve your sales results.

Watch the short video first!

Your PDF report will look like this:

Video Transcript

Our free self-assessment is for anybody who leads selling conversations with customers who need written proposals.

You’ll receive a PDF report that compares you to the best salespeople in the world. You’ll learn how your sales results can improve and where to focus your efforts.

This 3-minute video will explain what to expect and, at the end, reveal the most valuable part of how this process works.

It normally takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete the assessment.

The best salespeople start by prioritising the delivery of outcomes their customers achieve with the products and services they sell.

They talk much less about what they’re selling and much more about what their products and services will do for each specific customer. This means that they PREPARE and SELL in very different ways, what we call 3CSELLING; they work hard to ALIGN, and, of course, they CLOSE.

A lot of people think that selling is all about talking knowledgeably and enthusiastically. But the best salespeople know it’s much more valuable when their customers are talking. And this means salespeople should ask GREAT questions!

These aren’t just questions to help the salesperson understand the customer’s situation. The best questions are often coaching questions, where salespeople COACH their customers to define more accurately what outcomes they need. They CO-CREATE proposals and CONCLUDE everybody’s next actions in every conversation. This is 3CSELLING.

The best salespeople work hard to engage and align multiple stakeholders so they can negotiate to achieve genuine win-win agreements.

They manage sales pipelines accurately to achieve forecast sales.

They plan for the success they’ll achieve, and they’re prospecting constantly.

And it all starts by choosing values and mindsets that prioritise delivering customers’ outcomes.

When you click on the button to start your self-assessment, you’ll be reminded about what to expect. Then, you’ll see this Sales Reset Mastery picture again with an explanation about what to do.

Click through to the next page, where you’ll be asked the first of 11 questions about how you sell.

Review the statements in each column and select your current level. The columns to the left describe how things are when skills are weaker, and the columns to the right describe skills becoming stronger and better.

Then, choose your score for each question, from 0 or 1, where skills are low, to 8, 9 or even 10, where you’re among the best in the world.

For each question, you’ll be asked, “Why did you give yourself this score?” This is a terrific opportunity to reflect on how you sell currently. All your written answers will appear in your PDF report, which you’ll receive by email after you finish.

The best part of this assessment is that you can take it again after you’ve made the effort to improve your selling skills. When you complete your assessment in the future, you’ll see the scores from your very first assessment and your two most recent scores.

You’ll be encouraged as you see the progress you’ve made. You’ll have evidence of how you’re selling more effectively. Your reports will explain why and how your sales results have improved.

With enough effort and practice, you’ll join the best salespeople in the world!

Click the button to start your assessment now to find out how much better your selling can become.