Sales Reset Programmes

Improve your B2B sales team's results

Choose the level of support you need

What are your team's challenges?

  • Skills: Need to develop key skills

  • Sales Processes: Need for better sales processes

  • Consistency: Need for greater reliability and uniformity

  • Motivation: Need for more engagement

  • Prospecting: Need to find more opportunities

  • Pipeline Management: Need to prioritise more effectively

  • Benchmark: Need to benchmark against best practices

How we will work with you

  1. Review: Brief review of sales team structure, processes, performance and current results.

  2. Benchmark skills using Sales Reset Mastery Self-Assessment.

  3. Priorities: Identify the most significant development priorities.

  4. Coaching with your Sales Team Leader.

  5. Workshops: Sales Training Workshops to introduce key themes to the whole team.

  6. Online Training: Team members access online training in our Sales Reset Together community.

  7. Key Team Members: Coaching with key members of the sales team

How much support does your team need?

  • Every B2B sales team is different.

  • We will work with you to clarify the level of support you need initially.

  • Our goal is to accelerate your sales team's performance quickly and then step back.

  • Support can continue for as long as you choose.

Example programme content and pricing

Speak with us to clarify your specific needs

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per month
Plus VAT
  • Four hours of structured coaching for your sales team leader every month.

  • Your sales team leader will gain access to their personal and confidential Sales Reset Coaching Portal.

  • This portal will be the central hub of their coaching and will automate all routine aspects of coaching administration to save time.

  • One-hour quarterly meeting with your Sales Team Leader's senior colleagues to review evidence of progress, ROI and plans.

Sales Reset Accelerator


per month
Plus VAT
  • Everything from our Standard Coaching Programme, plus:

  • Six hours of structured coaching for your sales team leader every month.

  • Unlimited 10-minute "quick catch-up" calls with your sales team leader as required.

  • A total of six hours of individual structured coaching with up to three selected team members. Each team member will have access to their personal coaching portal.

  • Monthly bespoke online workshop with all team members.

  • One-hour meeting with Sales Team Leader's senior colleagues every month to review evidence of progress, ROI and plans.

Sales Reset Accelerator Plus Logo


per month
Plus VAT
  • Everything from the Accelerator Programme plus:

  • A series of structured workshops will bring key stakeholders together to develop vision, strategy, plan, processes, and performance reporting.

  • Your workshops will use online collaborative whiteboards to maximise engagement and provide a continuing record of the development process.

  • Subsequently, colleagues who do not take part in the workshops can be introduced to the boards to enable effective communication.

  • You will take ownership of these boards to enable their continuing development and implementation.

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per month
Plus VAT
  • This level of intensity is used briefly when you need maximum engagement from everybody.

  • In addition to the elements of our lower-intensity programmes, we will design and lead a series of offsite workshops for your sales team and their colleagues from other parts of your business.

  • Three 2-day workshops during the month will enable everybody to engage fully in your Sales Reset.

Expected Return on Investment

  • Our goal is to help you achieve significant ROI within the first 90 days.

  • ROI should be expected as a consequence of additional sales that close faster.

  • These additional sales will result from better selling conversations, more compelling proposals, and more effective pipeline management.

  • Your sales team leader will be expected to report evidence of ROI in our regular strategic review meetings with their senior colleagues.

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Focus on the Sales Team Leader

Leading a B2B sales team is one of the best jobs in the world!
  • But it can be VERY challenging!

  • There's so much that demands your attention.

  • And you're under relentless pressure to deliver the numbers every month and every quarter.

  • Finding time to coach every team member can be challenging.

What outcomes will sales leader coaching deliver?

  • Improved Sales Results: You should expect better sales results as skills and priorities improve.

  • Confidence: Your confidence as a sales team leader will grow because choices have been more carefully considered.

  • Better Priorities: You will make better choices about where to invest limited time and effort. 

  • Coaching for Team Members: You will find more time to lead better coaching with your team members.

  • Professional Development: You will make purposeful progress in developing your career and life plan.

Peter Button coaching

What's Included?

Coaching for your Sales Team Leader

Sales Reset Coaching Portal


  • Three hours of structured coaching with your sales team leader every month.

  • Your sales team leader will gain access to their personal and confidential Sales Reset Coaching Portal.

  • This portal will be the central hub of their coaching and will automate all routine aspects of coaching administration to save time.

  • All team members can be fully enrolled in our Sales Reset Together community.

  • We will coach you on using our Weekly Sales Reset resources to improve your team's skills and results.

  • One-hour quarterly meetings with the Sales Team Leader's senior colleagues to review evidence of progress, ROI and plans.


  • Upgrade your coaching to an Accelerator Programme to retain everything in your Standard Coaching Programme, plus:

  • Ten hours of structured coaching for your sales team leader every month.

  • We will create and maintain a project plan to review and manage every significant aspect of your Sales Reset.

  • Unlimited 10-minute "quick catch-up" calls with your sales team leader as required.

  • Monthly bespoke online workshop with all team members.

  • One-hour meetings with Sales Team Leader's senior colleagues every month to review evidence of progress, ROI and plans.

Sales Reset Leaders Mastermind Groups

  • Sales Team Leaders with at least one team member active in our community can apply to join a Sales Reset Leaders Mastermind Group.

  • These groups meet monthly to share experiences, insights and accountability.

  • A senior leader from our community organises and facilitates these meetings.

  • Between meetings, members support each other with private group chats.

Peter Button Headshot

Your Coach

  • Peter Button is the lead coach of all of our Sales Team Leadership Coaching Programmes.

  • For the past 40 years, Peter has worked as an independent sales leadership coach and sales trainer with other people's sales teams.

  • Peter's coaching style is encouraging, challenging and rigorous.

  • Peter is the Founder and Leader of our Sales Reset Community of Practice.

  • You can learn more about Peter on LinkedIn.

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Let's Talk!

  • Book your Zoom meeting to learn more about our Sales Team Leaders Coaching Programmes.

  • In the calendar, pick a date and then a time for a 30-minute online meeting.

  • Then fill in your contact details.

  • I'm looking forward to speaking with you!


Sales Reset Accelerator Logo

The 4 Stages of Sales Reset Accelerator Programmes


Stage 1 - BENCHMARK - Introduce Sales Reset and benchmark some or all members of your sales team.

Stage 2 - SCOPE - Identify, review and prioritise every significant aspect of your proposed Sales Reset.

Stage 3 - PILOT - Test the planned elements of your Sales Reset in the real world.

Stage 4 - RESET - After careful preparation and testing, everything will be ready to achieve your chosen outcomes.


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Stage 1

Introduce Sales Reset, Benchmark Team Members

  • Your programme will start with an introduction stage, during which we clarify whether the Sales Reset process suits your unique situation and needs.

  • Sales Reset introduces selling skills and priorities often significantly different from current working practices. It’s important to understand what’s involved and the likely implications.

  • We will introduce all of the key elements of the Sales Reset programme to key stakeholders.

  • A key element of this first stage will be benchmarking some or all of your sales team using our Sales Reset Mastery self-assessment.

  • After reviewing the assessment reports with you, one outcome might be the co-creation of a proposal and associated business case.

  • We aim to enable all stakeholders to reach informed conclusions about whether or not to proceed to the scoping stage.


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Stage 2

Scope Your Sales Reset

  • During the scoping stage, we will work together to identify, review and prioritise every significant aspect of your proposed Sales Reset.

  • A key aspect of scoping is clarifying expectations and your Sales Reset's measurable outcomes.

  • One key element of scoping your planned Sales Reset is identifying a small number of potential Sales Reset Champions.

  • These Sales Reset Champions will play a significant role during the pilot stage of your programme.

  • The outcome of this scoping stage will be a sufficiently detailed plan to pilot your potential Sales Reset.

  • Decisions about whether or not to proceed to pilot can then be made with greater confidence.


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Stage 3

Pilot Your Sales Reset

  • The pilot stage of your Sales Reset aims to test your plan's scope in the real world.

  • During this pilot stage, we seek evidence of what works best in your specific circumstances.

  • A key outcome of piloting will be the development and testing of your bespoke Sales Reset Toolkit.

  • Your Sales Reset Toolkit will include a range of examples of sales proposals and case studies of experience with your customers.

  • We aim to see clear evidence of improved sales results as we pilot your Sales Reset.

  • Decisions to proceed with your comprehensive Sales Reset will be made only after sufficient evidence of success has emerged from your pilot. 


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Stage 4

Achieve Your Sales Reset

  • After careful preparation and testing in the previous stages, everything will be ready to achieve your chosen outcomes.

  • At your Sales Reset Kick-Off Event, the Champions who piloted your programme will play a key role with their colleagues.

  • We will introduce your Sales Reset Toolkit, and your Champions will speak from experience about its impact on their sales results.

  • Progress will be made with sustained coaching, especially with your Sales Team Leader.

  • We will review the evidence of progress against your Sales Reset plan every 30 days, for as long as you choose to retain our continuing support.

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Let's Talk!

  • Book your Zoom meeting to learn more about our Sales Team Leaders Coaching Programmes.

  • In the calendar, pick a date and then a time for a 30-minute online meeting.

  • Then fill in your contact details.

  • I'm looking forward to speaking with you!